08 March 2016 @ 8:00 pm Ilam School

Present -                T Prince, L Oulsnam, R Wain, S Hudson, C Hibbert-Foy, E Wain (SMDC)

P Watson (Clerk), P Mortimer (NT), Luke Barley (NT), R Gray (Observer)

Apologies -            C Sellers, V Nottage


Minutes of the meeting held on 12 January were read and signed as true and correct.

Matters Arising

      E Wain advised that the meeting about parking will probably take place in or March or April.   NT will be invited.

      Work on upgrading the Dovedale toilets has started.  E Wain has arranged a £5,000 contribution from SMDC.

      The Clerk showed images of how the new village signs could look and the Council agreed that signs saying “Welcome to Ilam” with a line drawing of Ilam Cross would be appropriate.  E Wain will check if the County Council could meet some, or all, of the cost.

      A PCC member has asked if there could be better signs to the church – one could be mounted on the post that holds the Ilam Park sign.  Again, E Wain will ask the County Council if they can help.  Meanwhile, NT is planning to provide more signage at the entrance to Ilam Park, which could include a sign to the church.

      Following a meeting with Council members, the Highways Liaison Officer has agreed to install a new gully pot and outlet to the river opposite Bridge View Cottage to avoid or minimise flooding.  Also to do 2 investigatory excavations: 1 below the school entrance and 1 opposite where there are supposed to be old drainage culverts.  He estimates these works should be done before the end of April this year.

National Trust

      P Mortimer gave details of upcoming events and gave an outline of the draft plan for Ilam Park that will include increased parking provision.

      Peak Park is still against removal of the dead tree.  The Council asked NT to try and get approval to reduce it to leave only the trunk.

YHA - No representative from YHA attended but the Clerk will continue to invite them so they can attend when they have some information for the villagers.

Church – Following a request from the Benefice, the Council agreed to make an annual donation of £50 towards the cost of the newsletter.


      A decision on David Wain’s planning application is due on 28 March.  He is hopeful that NT will release the covenant that could prevent the development.

      Councillor Hibbert-Foy’s advises that her recent planning application will be modified and re-submitted.

County Council – The Clerk will send details of Dovedale Fete, the Manifold Show and the Sheepdog Trails for inclusion in the online Events Diary.

Queen’s Birthday

      V Nottage will be asked about organising a village event in coordination with L Barley (NT).

      50 commemorative medals will be ordered – one to be distributed to each household.  Unallocated medals will be sold at cost price to parishioners on a first come, first served basis.


      £1139.05 in the account.

      The Council approved the Clerk’s expenses for postage and stationery.

Highways - The Clerk will report the various new potholes around the village and request that the white line by the entrance to Ilam Park be re-painted.


      The Clerk has prepared draft regulations that are legally required: Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations.  Councillors will consider them with a view to adoption at the next meeting after any required changes.

      The Council decided not to order individual copies of the Good Councillor’s Guide until they have reviewed the draft regulations and will then decide if they need the Guide as well.

Next Meeting - 10 May 2016 (AGM).