10 January 2017 @ 8:00 pm Ilam School

Present -              T Prince, C Sellers, L Oulsnam, C Hibbert-Foy, Stuart Hudson, Richard Wain, Vera Nottage

EWain (SMDC), P Watson (Clerk), L Barley (NT), C Gunn-Smith (Ilam School)

R Gray, K Warrington, G Nottage (observers)

Minutes of the meeting held on 08 November were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

      NT has arranged the meeting with the Peak Park Tree Officer to decide about the dead tree.

      P Mortimer will present the Visitor Experience Design Plan at the next PC meeting.

      Consultants have prepared a Historic Landscape Plan, which will be presented to NT and the Council Chairman.

      L Barley will present the Woodland Management Plan at the next Council meeting.


      C Gunn-Smith advised the meeting that in the past she had proposed various plans to mitigate parking problems relating to the school but they had all been rejected by County Highways Department.  She agreed to participate in the discussions with the Highways Department expected in April.

      It was agreed that T Prince should once again raise with NT the idea of providing parking in Wheel Orchard.

      The Clerk will contact Robert Smith – and if appropriate the Okeover Estate - about the possibility of providing parking at Ilam Meadows Farm.


      The Clerk will report the potholes on the road between Blore and Okeover, the need to fully repair the cattle grid at the top of Blore Pastures and the damaged retaining wall near Ilam Bridge.


      Peak Park has sent the formal Planning Decision Notice regarding the development at Lower Damgate Farm.  It imposes restrictions very similar to those recommended by the Parish Council.


      There is £622 in the account with outgoings for 2017 expected to be approximately £530.  The Clerk advised that a new Parish notice board will be required soon at a further cost and furthermore the Council should start to build up a fund for the next Parish Council Elections.  In view of all this, the Council decided to apply for a precept of £800.

Any Other Business

      The Clerk will investigate the possible supply of a new notice board from firms on the internet and from the firm that supplied the ones at Thorpe.

      Melanie Ferguson-Allen had written to the Chairman asking him to circulate her letter to the Councillors and read it out at the meeting, which he did.  Councillor Hibbert-Foy (Wilderspin) also provided a letter that the Clerk read out to the meeting.  Both letters can be seen on the Council’s website

      Councillor Hibbert-Foy (Wilderspin) asked the Clerk if he could remove correspondence and publications relating to her planning application from the Council’s website but he said that these were in the public domain and he could not remove them.

Next Meeting 21 March