13 March 2018 @ 8:00 pm Ilam School

Present -              C Sellers, S Hudson, L Oulsnam, R Wain, K Warrington, V Nottage, C Hibbert-Foy, P Mortimer (NT),

P Watson (Clerk)

Apologies -         E Wain (SMDC


      Minutes of the meeting held on 16 January were read and signed as true and correct.


      The parking restrictions on Thorpe Road will come into effect on 15 March.

      Highways Department will install posts along the space opposite Town End Cottage to prevent parking between the yellow lines and the river.  They request that the Council create a bank next to the river, leaving a 1.5 metre path between the posts and the bank for pedestrians.  The triangular area beyond the Dovedale footpath should be banked up completely – Highways Department will provide a pipe to be installed in the bank for drainage.  The second, small area will not have posts and may be banked up from a line 18” from the road edge.

      C Hibbert-Foy has hardcore and soil available and S Hudson has volunteered to do the work.  K Warrington and P Watson volunteered to help.

      Once the banks are in place the Council will consider planting shrubs to stabilise them and improve appearance.

National Trust

      V Nottage will check with the school to see if NT has reduced the rent of the two small areas of land.

      The Clerk has provided NT with the letter of support they requested for the car park enlargement.

      The new fibre optic cable between the office and the tea room has been installed.  V Nottage will ask BT if fibre broadband is no available to villagers.  P Mortimer will arrange for the wooden boards to be removed from the road.

      BT’s sub-contractors who installed the fibre optic link have disturbed the drains so that the drain covers are lifting and raw sewage is emerging.  The sub-contractor said they would send someone to address the problem but they did not come as promised.  If there is no prompt action C sellers will contact Environmental Health.

      NT will arrange a further meeting with Council representatives regarding the Heritage Lottery Fund Project.


      Ian Frith has resolved the heating plate problem and it is now working.  Meanwhile E Wain has secured £100 to provide a new plate if required.  If not required the funds will be allocated to ongoing defibrillator maintenance.

      The number shown on the box is not the access code.  Users are supposed to call a telephone number, quote the number on the box and be given the access code.  As there is no mobile phone signal in Ilam this could result in critical delays.  Therefore the Clerk will ask the First Responders if the access code can be displayed on the box.


      Highways Department do not have funds this year to provide new signs for Ilam Bridge.  Councillor Heath requests that the Council monitor future incidents and take photographs if possible.

      No Through Road signs for Castern are due to be installed in April.  The Clerk will remind Highways Department.

      K Warrington and C Sellers met County Council officials on 13 March to discuss flooding problems – particularly behind K Warrington’s house and in the triangle enclosed by the chains outside Ilam Hall entrance.  Highways Department will inspect the drain under the council houses to determine the problem there and will clear other drains in the village.  S Hudson will put a temporary bank at the top of the triangle to divert water down the road into the drain further down.  It is possible that the Environment Agency could provide a grant to divert drains under the triangle and further across NT land to the river.

      L Oulsnam will photograph the potholes in the Church Path for the Clerk to report to the County Council.

Data Protection

      The County Council are offering a Data Protection Officer service for £290 for the first year then £150 p.a. thereafter.  The Council thinks this is excessive for our needs so the Clerk and C Hibbert-Foy will investigate alternatives.


      There is £768 in the account.  Expenditure of £106 and income of £100 is expected in the rest of the financial year to 31 March 2018, which would leave a balance of £762 at the year end.

      The budget for next year is £966 assuming a provision of £290 for data protection officer. 

Any Other Business

      The Clerk will write to the school requesting they ask parents not to block entrances to properties and not to speed through the village.

Date of next meeting    08 May