14 May 2019 @ 8.00pm Ilam School


Present -              C Sellers, L Oulsnam, C Hibbert- Foy, V Nottage, R Wain, N Taylor

E Wain (SMDC), P Watson (Clerk), F Harrower (NT)

Apologies -         K Warrington


      Minutes of the meeting held on 08 May 2018 were read and signed as true and correct. 

Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman

      C Sellers was nominated and seconded as Chair and elected unopposed.

      L Oulsnam was nominated and seconded as Vice-Chair and elected unopposed.

Acceptance of Office and Register of Interests

      The Councillors signed Acceptance of Office forms and confirmed details of their Register of Interests following the elections help on 02 May.

Chairman’s Report

      C Sellers reported that significant progress had been made during the year :

o        Traffic problems were much reduced following the installation of the double yellow lines on Thorpe Road

o        The village environment was being improved with the new earth banking opposite Town End Cottage, the tractor tyre by the bridge that will be planted with flowers, the relocation of the defibrillator, the new plant tubs to be installed by the village signs and the repainting of the notice board.

      She thanked the Councillors, the Clerk and District Councillor Wain for all their efforts and dedication to duty.

Financial Report

      The Clerk gave details of expenditure during the financial year 2018/19

      Accounts for the year were adopted and the following were signed by the Chairwoman and Clerk:

o        Certificate of Exemption

o        Annual Governance Statement

o        Accounting Statements

      The clerk gave details of the budget for the coming year, which was approved by the Council and signed by the Chairwoman and Clerk.