16 July 2019 @ 8 pm Ilam School

Present                 C Sellers, V Nottage, C Hibbert-Foy, R Wain, N Taylor

                                E Wain (SMDC), M Morley (NT), P Watson (Clerk)                            

Apologies           K Warrington, L Oulsnam


      Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

      Luke Barley will be leaving Ilam and Mark Morley will become the main contact for the Parish Council.

      MM will get the latest news about efforts to divert water further up to prevent overflowing drains in the Croft.

      120 ash trees suffering from die-back have been identified for felling later this year. This may mean the path up Dovedale has to be closed for a while.

      There are plans for parking in the Croft, overflow public parking in Wheel Orchard, garden development, gating order for Dovedale, a new footbridge to replace the ill-fated rope bridge, new surfaced paths and a “changing places” room for disabled visitors.

Peak Park

      The Chair of the Park Authority has responded outlining measures to alleviate problems at Blore Pastures car park.

      The Council decided not to send any representatives to Parishes Day.

      CS will again raise the poor state of the Church Path with Peak Park

Improving Village Environment

      The tractor tyre and plant tubs have been planted up.

      Limestone chippings have been put on the path opposite Town End Cottage and more will be applied to make a firm base for walking.

      A letter from a parishioner request a trial removal of the traffic cones in the village. The Clerk will reply that, once sufficient shrubs have been planted to prevent parking on the path and grass, they will be removed.


      Ian Frith has moved the unit to the school.


      County Highways advise that new signs for the Dovedale coach lay-by won’t be an option as they are trying to cut down on street furniture. The Clerk will write to Gill Heath to see what can be done.

      Long coaches continue to damage Ilam Bridge – the Council is considering various solutions and the Clerk will again write to YHA to request they urge visiting coaches not to use that route.

      Various highways defects were identified – the Clerk will report them all.


      There is £677 in the account. Expected expenditure for the rest of the financial year is £470 while income of £400 will be received. So the year-end balance should be £607.


      EW advised that Councillors need to complete and return election expenses forms even though they incurred none.

      The Children’s’ Air Ambulance asked if a clothes bank could be sited in the village but the Council thought there was nowhere appropriate. However, they would be prepared to make a £25 donation if this is allowed – the Clerk will check with Mark Trillo.

      The council decided not to make a contribution to the DougieMac hostel in Stoke.

      The Council proposes to appoint Bob Sellers as village lengthsman and recover some of his expenses through the village lengsthsman’s scheme.

Date of next meeting    The next meeting will be on 24 September.