Ilam Parish Council Annual General Meeting

09 July 2020 Fountain Cottage


Present :

C Sellers , L Oulsnam ,C Hibbert-Foy, V Nottage , R Wain , N Taylor , K Warrington

Apologies :  P Watson


Minutes :

·       Minutes of the meeting held on 08 May 2019 were read and signed as true and correct

Election :

·       C Sellers was nominated and seconded as chair and elected unopposed

·       L  Oulsnam was nominated and seconded as  vice-chair and elected unopposed


Outgoing Chairwoman’s Report

·       C Sellers reported that significant progress has been made during the year .

·       The double yellow lines have helped significantly during lockdown with increased visitors to the village

·       She thanked the councillors, the clerk and District Councillor Wain for all their efforts and support and dedication to duty

Financial Report :

·       All accounts , receipts and payment summaries , internal audits and accounting statements viewed , verified and signed by C Sellers witnessed by the council

·       Precept for this year discussed and agreed to keep the precept at £800 .


Open Forum

·       C Sellers & The Council would like to thank Bob Sellers & Brenda & John for their

Work in the village and maintaining flowers in the monument .

·       A parishioner has reported that people visiting the village are blocking Mrs M Warrington pathway which means she has no access . C Sellers to look into the possibility of extending double yellow lines nr the council houses

·       Enquire about lines being repainted at the end of Ilam Hall drive and also by the monument

·       Enquire about possibility of having 30 signs for the village as we are having cars speeding through the village

·       Vera & Carolyn would like bulbs to plant ready for spring

·       Discussed planting a red rose for the tyre feature in the village . C Sellers to purchase & Thank you to Nigel for looking after the plants in the tyre

·       Still having rubbish and barbeques in the village but NT are doing a good job of collecting rubbish

·       Planter opposite Town End Cottage is constantly being filled with rubbish / dog poo bags so discussed where a better place for would be prevent this from happening .