13 July 2021 @ 8 pm Dovedale House

Present                             C Sellers, L Oulsnam, C Hibbert- Foy, V Nottage, R Wain, N Taylor

E Wain (SMDC), P Watson (Clerk), Ian Clemmett (NT)

Aplogies             K Warrington


     Minutes of the meeting held on 11 May were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

     The Church Path continues to deteriorate. The Church Council and National Trust will meet to discuss possible actions. Meanwhile C sellers will get a quote for resurfacing. E Wain will approach Tarmac and Lafarge to see if they can help. There is £500 in the fund of the defunct Ilam Youth Club that could possibly be redirected to a fund for the Church Path.

     The Clerk reported that he had written to the NT Regional Director about urgent measures to improve NT parking around the village to reduce traffic congestion. The Director had replied that many of the measures are being implemented. It was suggested that NT could come to some arrangement with the owner of the refreshment wagon at Dovedale car park to access his phone line in order to implement payment by credit card – hopefully contactless. There will be a new car park full sign to try and prevent cars queuing to get in.

     The Council informed NT that litter picking needs to be more frequent.

Improving Village Environment

     The Council considered that it might be better to reserve any available funds to repair the Church Path, rather than buying a new memorial seat.

     There is still £11 in the budget for flowers and bushes but the Clerk advised there is more available since some other budgeted items are no longer needed. The Clerk will write to Brenda Anderson to thank her for the flowers around the monument.

     E Wain will try to progress the installation of a second dog poo bin.


     A meeting with interested parties has been held to agree on parking restrictions. Following this there was a site visit by the County Council officer at which all parties agreed on a finalised plan. The plan will be publicised by the County Council and any comments or objections sought.

     County Councillor Gill Heath is including a 30 mph limit for Ilam in her future plans. The Clerk will ask if the signage for this could just be painted on the road.

     The Clerk will ask County Highways not to reinstate the gatepost that has been knocked down at Blore. He will also notify them about the two blocked drains by the school.

     The Speed watch Scheme was discussed but the Council decided it would not be useful for Ilam.

Peak Park

     The Clerk has written to Peak Park and the County Council to object to parking charges at Blore Pastures. Peak Park replied that nothing will be done without consultation.


     The School has provided a schedule of events that might affect parking in the village. The Clerk forwarded it for publication in the newsletter.


     There is £1111 in the account. Budgeted expenditure for the rest of the financial year is £507 while income of £600 will be received. So the year-end balance at the end of March should be £1204.

     The amount set aside so far for defibrillator maintenance is £200. The First Responders advise that a new battery is unlikely to be needed for some time but new pads at a cost of £60 will be needed soon. It may therefore be possible to divert some funds towards repairing the Church Path.

New Clerk

     The Clerk will be retiring after the September meeting and there are no volunteers to take over so far. It was suggested that the Waterhouses Clerk might be interested but E Wain subsequently found that he is not. C Hibbert-Foy said she could be Responsible Finance Officer but it would be best done by whoever is Clerk. The present Clerk will ask Alstonefield PC who maintains their website with a view to asking them. Otherwise the person who organises Ilam’s web hosting and domain registration has offered to do the job for £250 p.a.

Date of next meeting    The next meeting will be on 21 September 2021, hopefully at Dovedale House.