9 NOVEMBER 2021 @ 8 pm Dovedale House

Present                             C Sellers, V Nottage, R Wain, N Taylor, K Warrington, I Clemmett

 A Pass, L Oulsnam (Clerk)

Apologies           C Hibbert- Foy E Wain (SMDC)


     Minutes of the meeting held on 21 September were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

     Ian gave a general update about The National Trust and work they are undertaking in the park and Dovedale

     They are looking into funding ideas to improve existing footpaths to make them accessible for all visiting Ilam & funding for the bridge also. Parish council also felt the National Trust could support the village with the church path resurfacing also.

     Work is continuing with the Ash Die back programme and the work undertaken in Dovedale is nearly completed. Work will continue in the park in a staged approach. All the trees cut down are replaced with new trees and other agencies are looking to help with new planting trees.

     C Sellers asked NT to investigate a sign directing visitors to Dovedale as SatNavs are directing visitors to The Izaak Walton instead of the NT Dovedale Carpark.

     R Wain asked about moles in the churchyard. The National trust to assist as they are coming in from the far side.

Improving Village Environment

     There is still money in this year’s budget for flowers and bushes. R wain would like some daffodil bulbs to plant.

     Two quotations have been obtained for resurfacing the Church Path.  The first one is for £10,041 up to Church Lodge as the surface from there on is currently ok.  The second includes the part from Church Lodge onwards and is for £11,814. The Council plans to start a fund to raise the required money and try to solicit donations for villagers and others.

     V Nottage is looking into funding ideas and suggested an action committee being formed to look at fundraising for the church path fund. from different organisations in the village.

     Dan Nottage will try to free up funds from the defunct Ilam Youth Club fund.

     C Sellers has asked E Clewes to open a separate bank account and all payment and pledges should be recorded.

     We are looking at starting to fundraise in the spring and this gives us time for planning and letters to be sent out.


     While surveying for the new yellow lines County Highways found that the road edges need repairing first.

     C Sellers has spoken with Cllr G Heath regarding the lines and speed restrictions, and this may take some time as work needs to be done first before implementing the lines & speed restrictions.

     V Nottage suggested sending an invite to highways for the January


     The new council website is


     Awaiting figures from Carolyn and will update shortly.

     Balance in account: £1698.97p

New Clerk

     L Oulsnam is the new clerk. Any enquiries please send to

     C Hibbert-Foy is the RFO and will deal with all finances.


     Potholes nr gates and up to blore & Signpost at Blore needs straightening and what is happening with the sandstone post at Blore C Sellers will ring to enquire.

     Revival contacted L Oulsnam about a service that helps people in The Staffordshire Moorlands who have Covid or are self-Isolating. this will be on the notice board and uploaded onto the website for further details.


Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be on 11 January 2022 at Dovedale House.