Tuesday 09 May 2023 @ 7 pm YHA Ilam Hall

Present       C Sellers, L Oulsnam, (Clerk) C Wilderspin, V Nottage, N Taylor, K Warrington, R Wain, Ian Clemmett (NT), A Chillingworth (NT), Cllr G Heath, J Heath, G Nottage, Cllr E Wain, I Frith


¥           Minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2023 were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

¥           300 wildflower plug plants have been planted in the chains. Katie invited the school children to help, and we are all looking forward to seeing the beautiful flowers later next year.

¥           The NT has employed an Accessibility Consultant who will be dealing with paths/ bridge as the work continues for all to enjoy Ilam. The bridge plans are ongoing. A circular wheelchair accessible path is ongoing.

¥           An experience /design study into how NT can manage Ilam/Dovedale /Milldale and all aspects of the area and visitor experience.

¥           The National Trust is obtaining prices from contractors to mend the church path. Potholes have been filled to make the path safer and accessible.

¥           A leak has been plugged at home farm / fishpond to help with the excess water in the croft.  A Further meeting will be held to discuss how we can try and prevent further flooding. a contractor has been engaged to look at reprofiling in the croft.

¥           Lots of exciting events being hosted by NT in the village. NT Is supporting the school fete.

¥           Parking in Dovedale and particularly bank holidays have impacted Izaak Walton Hotel when the car park shut sign is up as it blocks staff and guests gaining entry. NT will communicate with staff managing carpark to prevent this from happening.

¥           I Clemmett is heading to the Northumberland coast for a 2-year secondment. Abby Chillingworth will kindly attend the meetings as sis the community and volunteering manager. Thank you, Ian, for attending the PC meetings over the last few years and we wish you well with your secondment.


Improving Village Environment

¥           Plants have been ordered for the monument and L Oulsnam will organise a planting evening.

¥           We are looking into purchasing a seat for the village. C sellers to get some prices

¥           Thank you, K Warrington, for purchasing bunting and to Caz, Nigel and Lindsay putting up the bunting. the village looked great for coronation



¥           Yellow lines were discussed and still a priority in the village .it still ongoing due to funding and the lines cannot proceed till it has been tarmacked. CS Asked for drains and culverts to be cleaned as blocking up and flooding. CW requested for drains to be cleaned at Damgate. CS requested for a road sweeper to clean in the village

¥           White lines at the bottom of hall drive have worn away and are dangerous. Cllr G Heath will organise for them to be repainted.

¥           LO raised the yellow road markings at school. The school have sent an email to request the yellow road markings outside school gates could be repainted and the chair of Governors hs requested a sign advising there is no parking on these lines outside school arrival and departure times. This has been emailed to Cllr G Heath and logged by L Oulsnam & The School on Highways and awaiting an update regarding the lines and sign. It was suggested that we log is again.


¥           Balance in account: £1860.00p


¥           Coronation Village Event was successful and a big thank you to all who organized and helped. Thank you to Sue and Terry Prince for hosting the event for the village.

¥           Planning application for Castern hall was discussed at the meeting.

Date of next meeting:

á        Tuesday 11 July @Dovedale House