Tuesday 11 July 2023 @ 7 pm Dovedale House

Present       C Sellers, L Oulsnam, (Clerk) V Nottage, N Taylor, R Wain, A Chillingworth (NT) L Bown (NT), I Frith (observer)


Apologies     C Wilderspin, Cllr E Wain, K Warrington


¥           Minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2023 were read and signed as true and correct.

National Trust

¥           Abby and Liz attended the meeting to give updates from The National Trust

¥           There will be security checks from an external company starting in Dovedale. There will be three patrols throughout 5pm -11pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays and There will be a National Trust presence till 8 pm in Dovedale in the summer holidays.

¥           The National Trust is obtaining prices from contractors to mend the church path. Potholes have been filled to make the path safer and accessible.

¥           There is a community drop in with PCSO Rebecca Gorman on Monday 7 August at the Stable yard in Ilam between 4-6 pm.

¥           Planning application for the bridge has been submitted and hopefully work will start in autumn.

¥           Accessible paths will be made from a solid surface of breadon stone which is self-compacted solid surface. awaiting planning decision. Natural England is supporting the National trust with the projects.

¥           Trees are to be removed from the churchyard .2 of the tallest trees are to be removed. The PCC has requested the decision go to Lichfield regarding the removal of the tree in the churchyard and the PCC and National trust are working together regarding the trees.

¥           NT and YHA Ilam Hall are working on a project called the story of you and Ilam. An exhibition of photos and artwork from artist Luke Fowler, connecting young people with nature and memories of stays at YHA Ilam Hall is on 19 Ð 20 August.

¥           R Wain asked about toilets in Dovedale, and the NT are looking into the toilets to see what can be done and how they can be improved. The peak park currently still owns the toilets in Dovedale and pay for cleaning and maintenance.

¥           CS asked if the car park is bayed up to maximize car parking spaces and the car park does have bays to maximize the car parking. The NT Reported more people are walking from Ilam to Dovedale from Ilam and using the car parking in Ilam.

¥           If we see an increase in Barbeques in different areas, then we must let the NT know so it can be monitored.



Improving Village Environment

¥           We are looking into purchasing a seat for the village. C sellers to get some prices

¥           Thank you to R wain for kindly buying the compost for the monument flowers. The Monument is looking great and lots of compliments have been received about the flowers.



¥           We are still awaiting an update for the yellow lines, white lines, drains and culvert cleaning that was requested to Cllr G Heath at the last meeting.

¥           LO and CS to log potholes and any highway issues on the highwayÕs website. RW reported blocked drains on River lodge Lane to be reported for cleaning.


¥           Balance in account: £2,330.41p


¥           Planning application for the new replacement footbridge and viewing platform to replace existing rope bridge over the river manifold and within the grounds of Ilam Park was discussed.

Date of next meeting:

á        Tuesday 12 September @Dovedale House

á        Tuesday 7 November @Dovedale House